Many women care for their facial skin, but avoid neck skin. In fact dust, sweat, pollution, germs, and bacteria get deposited in larger proportion on our neck. It is the most neglected part of the body. Even harmful sunrays emitted by sun affects the skin on neck. Neck is the most sensitive part of the body. Persisting neglection will lead to early aging of the skin on neck.
Generally, women end up in spending lot of money is buying expensive cosmetic products. But, these products do not provide satisfied results. They might provide some temporary effects which will fade away when you stop using them. Thus, it is better to use some home made remedies that will result in beautiful and graceful neck. Home remedies are easy to prepare and very effective in the treatment of numerous diseases. They are highly admired world wide as; they are easily available in kitchen cabinets at inexpensive rates.
Numerous home remedies are used to care your skin tine, but we have mentioned some of the simplest remedies to make your neck more beautiful. Check out the following remedies that are easily prepared at home:
Natural bleach:
Instead of using any cosmetic bleach, it is better to use any naturally prepared bleach. You can prepare natural bleach by mixing tomato juice with lemon juice in proportion of 3:1. Apply this mixture on your skin with the help of cotton ball. Wash it after twenty minutes with warm water.
Salt is very much beneficial in removing dead cells from the skin. Thus, you may mix some salt along with lemon juice and turmeric powder. Make a smooth paste and apply it on your neck.
Fresh cream mask:
Cream contains lot of moisturizer that helps in rejuvenating the skin of neck. Club some fresh cream with freshly extracted cucumber juice and tomato juice. Mix them well and apply it on your neck. Wash the application after fifteen minutes. This mixture is very helpful in removing dead cells and moisturizing your skin.
Exfoliating scrub:
Add dash of tea and sugar to fresh cream. Scrub your neck gently for approximately two minutes. Wash off the mixture and later on apply your regular moisturizer. Applying moisturized will keep the dead cells away and prevent early aging.
Strawberry contain good amount of antioxidants that helps in removing dead cells from the body. It even gives rich texture to your skin. Crush three strawberries and mix it with milk. Use as cleanser on your skin, thus helps in removing dead cells from the skin. It also helps in tightening your skin.
Raspberry toner:
Raspberry is good source of vitamin C, which improves the texture of skin. Vitamin C helps in flushing out dead cells from the skin and provides nourishment. Extract juice from some raspberry; mix them well with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and two teaspoonful of cucumber juice. Use this mixture as skin toner for your neck.
Tomato wrinkles:
Extract the pulp from ripe tomato and mix it with two teaspoonful of yogurt. Combine this mixture well and apply it o your neck portion. Wash it off with warm water after twenty minutes. Gently apply a moisturizer.
Apart from these home remedies, always apply clean your face and neck with rose water while you leave from home. You may even use them for wiping your face in hot sun. Another effective remedy to clean all dirt from your neck is to use milk as cleanser. You may add some rose water to milk. Regularly massage your neck with essential oil such as almond oil and olive oil. Both the oil contain good nutrition for your skin tone. Other than this the most important remedy is to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Drink at least ten to twelve glass of water in entire day.
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